Könnt Ihr mir helfen diesen Fehler zu beheben? Danke WARNING(512): "SQL Error" in /home/www/web8/html/inc/xtc_db_error.inc.php:33 (Details) Backtrace: #0 trigger_error called at [/home/www/web8/html/inc/xtc_db_error.inc.php:33] #1 xtc_db_error called at [/home/www/web8/html/inc/xtc_db_query.inc.php:77] #2 xtc_db_query called at [/home/www/web8/html/gm/properties/data/PropertiesDataAgent.php:66] #3 (#PropertiesDataAgent) rebuild_properties_index called at [/home/www/web8/html/system/controls/CacheControl.inc.php:282] #4 (#CacheControl) rebuild_products_properties_index called at [/home/www/web8/html/admin/clear_cache.php:54]
================================================================================ ================================================================================ Query: INSERT INTO products_properties_index SELECT ppc.products_id AS products_id, pvd.language_id AS language_id, pd.properties_id AS properties_id, ppc.products_properties_combis_id AS products_properties_combis_id, pvd.properties_values_id AS properties_values_id, pd.properties_name AS properties_name, p.sort_order AS properties_sort_order, pvd.values_name AS values_name, pv.sort_order AS value_sort_order FROM properties AS p LEFT JOIN properties_values AS pv USING (properties_id) LEFT JOIN products_properties_combis_values AS ppcv USING (properties_values_id) LEFT JOIN products_properties_combis AS ppc USING (products_properties_combis_id) LEFT JOIN properties_description AS pd ON (pv.properties_id = pd.properties_id) LEFT JOIN properties_values_description AS pvd ON (pv.properties_values_id = pvd.properties_values_id) WHERE ppc.products_id = "366" AND pd.language_id = "1" AND pvd.language_id = "1" ORDER BY properties_sort_order ASC, value_sort_order ASC Error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 (error 1136) ================================================================================ 2013-05-28 00-09-53 ( WARNING(512): SQL Error in /home/www/web8/html/inc/xtc_db_error.inc.php:33 Backtrace: #0 trigger_error called at [/home/www/web8/html/inc/xtc_db_error.inc.php:33] #1 xtc_db_error called at [/home/www/web8/html/inc/xtc_db_query.inc.php:77] #2 xtc_db_query called at [/home/www/web8/html/gm/properties/data/PropertiesDataAgent.php:66] #3 (#PropertiesDataAgent) rebuild_properties_index called at [/home/www/web8/html/system/controls/CacheControl.inc.php:282] #4 (#CacheControl) rebuild_products_properties_index called at [/home/www/web8/html/admin/clear_cache.php:54] Context: Array ( [query] => INSERT INTO products_properties_index SELECT ppc.products_id AS products_id, pvd.language_id AS language_id, pd.properties_id AS properties_id, ppc.products_properties_combis_id AS products_properties_combis_id, pvd.properties_values_id AS properties_values_id, pd.properties_name AS properties_name, p.sort_order AS properties_sort_order, pvd.values_name AS values_name, pv.sort_order AS value_sort_order FROM properties AS p LEFT JOIN properties_values AS pv USING (properties_id) LEFT JOIN products_properties_combis_values AS ppcv USING (properties_values_id) LEFT JOIN products_properties_combis AS ppc USING (products_properties_combis_id) LEFT JOIN properties_description AS pd ON (pv.properties_id = pd.properties_id) LEFT JOIN properties_values_description AS pvd ON (pv.properties_values_id = pvd.properties_values_id) WHERE ppc.products_id = "366" AND pd.language_id = "1" AND pvd.language_id = "1" ORDER BY properties_sort_order ASC, value_sort_order ASC [errno] => 1136 [error] => Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 [t_error_string] => ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Query: INSERT INTO products_properties_index SELECT ppc.products_id AS products_id, pvd.language_id AS language_id, pd.properties_id AS properties_id, ppc.products_properties_combis_id AS products_properties_combis_id, pvd.properties_values_id AS properties_values_id, pd.properties_name AS properties_name, p.sort_order AS properties_sort_order, pvd.values_name AS values_name, pv.sort_order AS value_sort_order FROM properties AS p LEFT JOIN properties_values AS pv USING (properties_id) LEFT JOIN products_properties_combis_values AS ppcv USING (properties_values_id) LEFT JOIN products_properties_combis AS ppc USING (products_properties_combis_id) LEFT JOIN properties_description AS pd ON (pv.properties_id = pd.properties_id) LEFT JOIN properties_values_description AS pvd ON (pv.properties_values_id = pvd.properties_values_id) WHERE ppc.products_id = "366" AND pd.language_id = "1" AND pvd.language_id = "1" ORDER BY properties_sort_order ASC, value_sort_order ASC Error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 (error 1136) [coo_error_log] => FileLog Object ( [v_log_active] => 1 [v_file_base] => errors [v_file_suffix] => fb2024b121487fed2c82385a1a7c3d72 [v_max_filesize] => 1048576 ) ) Session: Array ( [tracking] => Array ( [http_referer] => Array ( [path] => ) [ip] => [date] => 2013-05-27 23:46:02 [browser] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.94 Safari/537.36 AlexaToolbar/alxg-3.1 [pageview_history] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [path] => ) [1] => Array ( [scheme] => http [host] => www.bikerstore24.com [path] => /admin/module_newsletter.php ) [2] => Array ( [path] => ) [3] => Array ( [scheme] => http [host] => www.bikerstore24.com [path] => /admin/show_logs.php ) [4] => Array ( [path] => ) [5] => Array ( [scheme] => http [host] => www.bikerstore24.com [path] => /admin/clear_cache.php ) [6] => Array ( [path] => ) ) ) [tracked] => 1 [language] => german [languages_id] => 2 [language_charset] => iso-8859-15 [language_code] => de [currency] => EUR [customers_status] => Array ( [customers_status_id] => 0 [customers_status_name] => Admin [customers_status_image] => admin_status.gif [customers_status_public] => 0 [customers_status_min_order] => 0 [customers_status_max_order] => 0 [customers_status_discount] => 0.00 [customers_status_ot_discount_flag] => 1 [customers_status_ot_discount] => 0.00 [customers_status_graduated_prices] => 1 [customers_status_show_price] => 1 [customers_status_show_price_tax] => 1 [customers_status_add_tax_ot] => 0 [customers_status_payment_unallowed] => [customers_status_shipping_unallowed] => [customers_status_discount_attributes] => 0 [customers_fsk18] => 1 [customers_fsk18_display] => 1 [customers_status_write_reviews] => 1 [customers_status_read_reviews] => 1 ) [cart] => shoppingCart Object ( [contents] => Array ( ) [total] => 0 [weight] => 0 [cartID] => [content_type] => ) [wishList] => wishList Object ( [contents] => Array ( ) [total] => 0 [weight] => 0 [cartID] => [content_type] => ) [lightbox] => GMLightboxControl Object ( [previous] => false [actual] => false ) [coo_filter_manager] => FilterManager Object ( [v_categories_id] => [v_feature_value_id_array] => Array ( ) [v_feature_value_group_array] => Array ( ) [v_price_range_start] => [v_price_range_end] => [v_filter_active] => ) [account_type] => 0 [magnaIsInstalled] => 1 [ML_MagnaConnector_UseCURL] => Array ( [use] => 1 [ssl] => 1 [force] => ) [ML_UseCURL] => Array ( [ForceCURL] => [UseCURL] => 1 ) [gm_history] => Array ( [0] => Array ( => / [FILENAME] => /home/www/web8/...] => Array ( [] => Array ( [qty] => 0 ) ) )